Fear and Phobia

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Forfatter: miApps_MCON
0.99 USD

The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear."
"What we fear comes to pass more speedily than what we hope."

Here in this application we have tried to provide different type of Fear and Phobias, which Peoples face several time and because of which they loose some important things, which they want or deserve.

Here we are giving you the solution like, How to overcome from the fear you have.
These can be mailed or messaged to all your contacts.

Fear is one of the most basic human emotions. Fear helps protect us. It makes us alert to danger and prepares us to deal with it. Feeling afraid is very natural — and helpful — in some situations. Fear can be like a warning, a signal that cautions us to be careful.

Like all emotions, fear can be mild, medium, or intense, depending on the situation and the person. A feeing of fear can be brief or it can last longer.

A phobia is an intense fear of something that, in reality, poses little or no actual danger. Common phobias and fears include closed-in places, heights, highway driving, flying insects, snakes, and needles. However, we can develop phobias of virtually anything. Most phobias develop in childhood, but they can also develop in adults.
But with phobias the threat is greatly exaggerated or nonexistent. For example, it is only natural to be afraid of a snarling Doberman, but it is irrational to be terrified of a friendly poodle on a leash, as you might be if you have a dog phobia.

Would you like to feel relaxed and at ease and free yourself from unwarranted worries fears or phobias?
This App is designed to help you to begin to reprogram your mind to react in a way that’s most beneficial to you. The aim is for you to feel neutral, to learn how to relax, breathe naturally and cope easily.

This application deals with various phobias like Acrophobia, Aerophobia, Agoraphobia, Aqua phobia, Arachnophobia, Brontophobia, Claustrophobia, Necrophilia, Nyctophobia, Social phobia
Let’s kill our fears